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Called by name


Marcelo Augusto de Carvalho



GENESIS 1.14-19


On the fourth day then, God created the great stars: the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.

Let us study the formation of each of them in the order in which the Bible presents them and learn the spiritual lessons that each one teaches us.




The Sun is an average star that lies 150 million km from Earth. It has a diameter of 1,392,000 km, about 109 times that of Earth, and its volume is 1.3 million times that of our planet.

All the light, heat and energy of this system comes from it, as well as the energy used on Earth - such as electricity, coal, gasoline, fire and wind.

It is indispensable for maintenance as the order of the System, because it is its gravity that causes the planets to move and remain in their orbits. Because it has 99% of the mass of the entire Solar System, it has a lot of gravity, which attracts the planets: if this did not occur, the stars would get lost in endless space and if they did not move they would immediately fall into the Sun. It's so gravity that a 60 kg man on Earth would weigh around 1 ton and 700kg, that is, 28 times more if it went to the sun.

But strange things happen in the Sun; the Earth rotates once every 24 hours, and everything about it spins at that same speed. But parts of the sun rotate at different speeds. For example; if you lived in the Equator of the Sun, you would do a total rotation every 25 of our days, but if you lived near the poles it would take 33 of our days to make the same journey.

One question is important now: do we know that the Sun heats all the stars of our system, even those that are very far away; how can it emit so much energy?

In the hottest part of the Sun, its core, where a temperature of l5 million degrees centigrade, occurs nuclear reactions producing energy. It is formed of hydrogen atoms, but because their gravity is too large, these atoms are pushed against each other to unite. This union is very violent: they collide so hard that they turn into helium atoms, releasing a lot of heat and energy. Thus sunlight is radiated to the farthest points of the Universe.

The amazing thing is that the range of solar rays through endless space is at least 2 billion km. But to produce energy to heat and illuminate this entire expanse, the Sun decomposes at the ratio of 4 million and 200,000 tons per second. Incredible! But the interesting thing is that it is so immensely large that despite decomcomming so much, it will take l50 billion years to consume 1% of its mass.

- To get an idea of your energy released every moment, let's compare the sun to a very large lamp. We generally don't buy lamps that are over 300 watts. But when we think of the sun as a lamp, we need to stretch our imagination. The sun shines with the energy of 380 watts. These 380 take 24 zeros, or 380 million million. (380,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.).


But the most important lesson to be learned is that if the sun didn't give its energy it would just get hotter and hotter, and then explode. Giving light and heat is the way the Sun keeps shining and producing more heat and light. He survives because he can.


The same is the same for us. Every day we receive, by reading the Bible, by the experiences of life, on Saturdays in sabbath school and in worship the Gospel of Jesus. He is wonderful for our life; but one thing is certain: if we do not begin to share it with others, it will destroy our lives. We'll be so full of it that it will clog our perceptions and then we'll be sterile for life. This is what happened to the Jews; they knew a lot about God, but they never shared him with anyone. When He came, they were so clogged that they didn't recognize him and so they killed him.

How much of Jesus have you been in debt to your friends?




The Moon is earth's natural satellite. It's controlled by our planet and goes around it.

It has a diameter of 3,476 km, and is about 384,300 km from Earth.

It is a silent star because it has no air, life, water, plants or animals. The opposite side of the Sun is always extremely dark and cold, due to having a much lower gravity than that of the Earth, causing it two very interesting effects:

It is unable to maintain an atmosphere around you, so it is subject to large temperature variations; during the day it can reach more than L00 degrees Centigrade, falling at night up to minus 173 degrees.

A 60 kg man on Earth weighs only 10 kg there.

The bigger the planet, the more moons it has. The Earth has only one, but the larger planets have more. Mars and Neptune have 2 each. Uranus has 5, Saturn 10 and Jupiter 13. The only exceptions without moons are Mercury and Venus. Our moon is one of the largest with about a quarter of the diameter of the Earth.

The Moon is also the most studied star with the only one visited by man personally. Between 1960 and 1972, 17 Apollo missions were developed to meet her and on July 20, 1969, man first stepped on its surface. Twelve astronauts have been there, bringing about 400 kilograms of rocks to be examined.

But despite being much smaller than earth, the Moon exerts a strong attraction on it. An example of this is the tides; they go up and down on the beach twice a day, following the attraction exerted by the Sun and moon. Another example is birds that can use the light of the Moon to orient themselves at night by the stars like some fish. There are cases of fish waiting to feel the light of the Moon on certain days of the year to spawn their eggs on the beaches.



This is the lesson that the Moon leaves us: although small, it exerts its attraction on the other stars, and although it has no light of its own is the only strong source of light we have at night. The same path we must follow. Whether we are big or small, we have our role to play in this world and for this we cannot cower.

Let us be a force, even if small, for the good of humanity. Remember Naaman's little serva? Moses' sister? Of the boy who gave his loaves and fishto Jesus to feed the multitude? Paul's nephew who saved him from death? From little Jesus who taught the scribes in the Temple? Let us be lights that point a better path in this world of darkness and endless misfortune.




The stars were undoubtedly not created on the fourth day. They already existed when God created the earth. Moses, in writing the account of creation, didactically placed every object created on its most appropriate day, and this was the case of the stars. We know this because by capturing the light of the stars, scientists conclude that they lasted hundreds of years, even thousands and millions of years to reach us. Therefore, they already existed when they left, as well as the account of the creation we find in Genesis is not of the formation of the Universe but of our planet.

A star is a celestial body formed by a huge incandescent gaseous globe. In fact, it's other suns similar to ours.

Its dimensions are classified into:

dwarf stars - 10 times the size of our Sun, medium-sized approximate to our Sun, giants - 10 to 100 times larger than our Sun, the supergiants - hundreds to thousands of times larger than our Sun.

To get an idea of the size of these giant stars, let's take beteugeuse's example. It is 600 light years from Earth and is 400 million miles in diameter. A man who on Earth is six feet tall, relative to the size of his planet, if he were Beteugeuse, would have the following size for this planet: 98 km tall! Your thumb would be two miles long, and likewise your eyelashes.

The only star seen during Earth's day is the Sun, but at night it is possible to observe 6,000 of them with the naked eye. There are, however, trillions of them in the Universe, most of them situated at such great distances that it is impossible to understand them. The closest star to Earth is the Sun, about 15 million km, but the others are so far away that we use the light-years measure to measure these distances. A light year is the route that light travels in a year, that is, 9.44 trillion km. So if we were to go to the star closest to us without counting the Sun, this would be the next centaur, it would take 4.3 light years. That is, we would cover 40,592 trillion km, walking at a speed of 300,000 km per second without stopping for 4 years and three months.

But despite centuries of study, very little we know about the stars. But one thing is certain: they are very beautiful and exist by the thousands. At God's order to Abraham to count the stars, we agreed with him that it would be impossible to do so. Astronomers have used mathematical formulas to make this calculation and estimate that stars must reach at least 1 octillion of stars (the forty-eighth power of ten).

It would be number 1 accompanied by 27 zeros (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000).

James Snelling, a naturalist from Battle Creek, Michigan, estimates that if the sky started raining green peas and lakes, rivers and oceans froze in luck that the peas would cumble, it would take 250,000 Earth-sized planets, all covered in green peas more than 1 meter and 20 centimeters deep to contain 1 octillion peas. This is therefore the approximate number of stars by space.


A tremendous lesson we learn here: the psalmist states that God knows the name of each star, calls them for them in the Universe, Psalm 147.4. This shows us how thorough God is to care in dealing with his creatures. The same does to us; he knows us by name, knows all our particularities, desires, longings, frustrations as pleasures, and wants to help us in everything. How does He do it if there are millions of creatures throughout the universe? I don't know, but he does.

When he was on earth, Jesus made an intriguing statement: Matthew 10:30. How many strands of hair do you have? Have you told him? I bet you don't know, but a madman ended up telling you this: there's about 100, 000 hairs on a head in normal conditions. Besides, there's about 30, 000 strands of beard in a man. It is estimated that daily we lose about 75 hairs. That's why it's hard to know how many threads we have today, but God knows it. And you know a lot of other things that are far more important in our lives than hair.


Appeal: Now it is enough for us to trust His care and rest in His love. That way we'll be happy all our lives. Believe in the love of Jesus!



Adventures of Creation. Dr. Haroldo G, Coffin. Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Tatuí-SP, Brazil. 1993 edition.

Youth Inspiration. Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Tatuí-SP, Brazil. Editions from 1977 to 2005.


Pr. Marcelo Augusto De Carvalho - April 1997 São Paulo SP Brazil