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Is it possible to be happy at home?


Marcelo Augusto de Carvalho



GENESIS 1.20-23


- On the fifth day God began to populate the earth with its most illustrious inhabitants. God created by His Word fish and birds.

- It is interesting to note that the first animals raised were the "great marine animals", the largest animals that ever existed. It is difficult to harmonize this with the supposed evolution of an entire organic life from the small unicellular beings.




- They're beings who live practically only in the water.

- They are exothermic (cold blood) - your body temperature varies depending on the environment. The colder the environment, the less active they are. Most have jaws. Their bodies are aerodynamic and usually covered by scales. They absorb dissolved oxygen in the water through the gills.

- What amazes us is the variety with which God created them. He did the:


BONY FISH - 21,000 types. They live in seawater and candy. They have a bone skeleton, and a gas-filled swimming bladder that functions as an inner buoy. The body is usually covered slippery and flattened, and the gills are hidden behind a flap. We highlight celecanto, dipnoic fish, birchirs, sturgeon, spatula, electric eel, herring, anchovy, salmon, trout, carp, perca, merlim, swordfish, tuna, cod, flying fish, cat fish and seahorse.

FISH WITHOUT JAWS - 70 types. They live in the sea and have cartilage skeletons. It's the group of lampreys and sorceress. As the name says, they have no jaws or double fins, and their gills have vents like hatches instead of crevices. Adult lampreys are parasites of other fish; the chicks filter food particles from the water.

CARTILAGINOUS FISH - 700 species. Most are predators living in saltwater. They have aerodynamic shape and double fins, the skin is covered by placonid scales (shaped like teeth) that make its texture rough. The best known are sharks and arais.

Because Moses did not clearly specify the species created on the fifth and sixth day as science conceives today, it is difficult to divide the marine animals created on one or the other day. That's why I put everyone together here, thinking of all those who live in the water or look like fish to us, without worrying about the day they were created, but because they are created by God.

CNIDARIANS- 9,500 species. They live mostly at sea. We highlight corals, jellyfish, marine anemones and hydras.

FLAT-10,000 VERMES. Free-living platelminths, Fascíolas and Tapeworm.

CLAMS- 90,000. Aquatic as terrestrial. Slugs, Snails, Mussels, Octopuses, Squid, Sepias and Quito are part of this family.

ANELIDIUS VERMES- 12,000. Aquatic as terrestrial, we have; the earthworm, the Leech, the Pulleys and other marine worms.

EQUINODERMS- 6,000. All marine. We have: Sea biscuits, starfish, sea uriços, sea cucumbers, sea lilies and sea snakes.

SMALL FILOS- 3,000. Netóphores, Rotifers, Vermins and nemertines.

SPONGES- 5,000. Mostly navies.

BRIOZOA- 4,000. Also mainly marine.

Of course, this list is not complete, but it gives us an idea of what God created.




- After filling the seas and rivers with fish, God filled the sky with birds with his varied styles of flight, singing and plumage. They really are a sideshow for anyone who contemplates the sky.

- There are about 9,000 species of birds.

- They're the only feathered animals. They also have wings and beaks. They are endothermic (warm-blooded): the temperature of their bodies does not change with external temperature variations. Since your body is always warm, you're always ready to fly. They live everywhere: in cities, in tropical forests, as in the icy fields.

- Your skeleton is delicate; their bones are pore (hollow), but reinforced by supports, representing 5% of their total weight. The muscles of the wings are anchored by a bony flap, the fairing, which comes out of the chest.

- The feathers are keratin, the same substance as our hair and nails. The plumage of a bird can contain more than 10,000 feathers of different types! Feathers need constant care, and so birds use the beak as a comb to keep beards, and barbulas together and also to remove lice and parasites. They change feathers once or twice a year.

- Birds have no teeth, so hard foods are stored in a special chamber, the moela. The lungs are much more complicated than that of mammals and reptiles. When a bird inhales, the air flows in air pockets. Then it passes through the lungs and into other air snares, before being exhaled.

- The little bird cub develops outside the mother's body, inside the egg. It is protected by a hard shell that prevents water from escaping, but that allows oxygen to enter. All birds lay eggs, but not all nests. Some seabirds use the edge of the cliffs, while some terrestrial birds are looking for a simple hole. Those who build complicated nests use many types of materials: leaves, branches, mud, hair, spider webs and even saliva. Interesting thing is that a bird doesn't learn how to nest - it makes them by instinct.

- The beak is bone covered by a corneal layer (of horn). The bone doesn't change, the horn grows. The shape of the beak serves the way its owner feeds. Birds with special eating habits have different beaks.

- Among them stand out: Grebe, Albatross, Petrel, Penguin, Pelicans, Duck Goose, Cormoraon, Heron, Stork, Ducks, Geese, Swan, Eagle, Falcon, Vulture, Pheasant, Partridge, Seagull, Lavandeira, Pigeon, Swallow, Parrot, Cuckoo, Owl, Hummingbird, Abelheiro and the well-known "Road Runner".


Well, what lessons can we learn from fish and birds? I would like to focus on through these interesting animals what God teaches us about his ideal of home education.


Of course, this chapter will serve parents very well, but I believe you as young as well, for one day you will develop this enormous task of educating and guiding your children on the lord's path.

Soon when he created man, God's first order was to form a family. For this, God has granted him a privilege that even angels have not been given: that of reproduction. Man has the opportunity to participate with God in the creator act, by reproducing himself in new beings generated in his body through conjugal union. This is simply extraordinary. But the task is not just about reproduction; the education of children is even more majestic and rewarding than any other human activity. For her, God has left some basic principles, which, if followed under His guidance, will bring the greatest joys in the life of a man and a woman.


1) To have a balanced and healthy home in all its aspects, it is necessary to present and coexist with a Father.


You can even tell me that this principle is logical and would not even need to be mentioned here. I agree with you, but this is if we lived 50 years ago. Today modern society is wanting to form homes without the presence of one of the parents, especially the figure of the father. Women today are thinking of turning to men just for them to manage their children; as soon as they become pregnant, they do not ask that they fulfill their mission as parents, living inside the same home with their children. This is the biggest cause of misfits in children's behavior as well as their living standards for the future. That's why I tell you, we're looking for parents.

* In many species of fish, the male forms the nest and later takes care of the hatching of the eggs of the chicks. Probably the best nest preparer in the fish world is the cat esgana, a small, scaleless fish that has thorns in front of the upper tail.

The male of this species of fish takes care of the mouth and a sticky secretion to form its nest, prepared of stakes and leaves. The nest is hollow, has only one entrance and is trapped in submerged trunks or other bedding. When the nest is completed, the male leads a female or more females into the structure so that the eggs are deposited there. Then the females retreat, the male fertilizes the eggs, and he watches the nest until the chicks emerge and take care of them until they can take care of themselves.

Some males of South American fish species carry the eggs in their mouths until the litter desponte. These males do not feed during the incubation period. When the cubs appear, the father sets out to scare away the enemies by keeping his mouth open so that the little fish can take refuge in it safely.


Just as the father is indispensable for the formation of a home and in the education of children, so it is for the mother. Not only is she necessary for the role of pregnant, breastfeeding and protective of children in their first years of life, but it is also undoubtedly the greatest influence on the lives of their children.


* In the same waters where baby Moses was sheltered inside a basket, the nile river crocodile cubs are sheltered in a unique and fascinating way. First the crocodile mama crawls to the shore, finds a place of her taste, digs a hole of 30 cm and sat there. Carefully covers the eggs with the earth and stays in the vicinity of the nest for 3 months. The heat of the tropical sun covers the land that covers the eggs, until it is almost as hard as a stone, such that when the crocodilinhos come out of the eggs, they would be trapped under neath this earth if their mother was not outside to help them. They emit ganidos, which she listens to and then opens the nest to let them out.

As each baby emerges from the nest the crocodile mama gently takes it between her sharp teeth and swallows it. One by one they disappear, but they're all alive and well guarded in a bag mom has in her throat. After all 20 or more cubs are safe inside, she crawls into the water, where she drops her cubs under the protective roof of her aquatic home.

* The same almost human love and affection for their young possess whales. Even the blue whale, the largest in the world, which can weigh more than 150 tons, act like this with its huge babies, who are already born 7 meters long. Scholars have found that the whale mom remains close to her baby all the time, often touching it and stroking it with its fins that are worn as much as we use our arms.

When it comes time to suckle, the chick wraps his tongue in cone shape to drink the mother's milk, or simply the mother squirts the milk directly into his mouth. Amazing is that this get to drink up to 450 liters of milk in one day!

* Although some species of animals are born and almost immediately become adults, so they do not depend on their parents to survive, as is the case with the megapodium birds of the South Pacific, almost all species around the world need their parents to learn and live well in their ecosystem. And one rule in every zoo in the world is basic: the longer a cub stays with its parents and learns, the smarter it will be. I use here the example of the elephant, which although not a bird or fish, fits well at this time.

* An elephant cub is born only a third the size of an adult's brain. His brain only developed enough to operate on his vital organs, but not to stop him from tripping over his trunk. He is very clumsy, and so it takes many months of patient training on the part of the elephant mother until the cub learns to live with that long nose. Until this happens, every time he drinks, he needs to get down on his knees and put his face under the water. Young elephants spend at least the first l0 years of their life being trained by their mother. And in the event that she dies, she is so indispensable that her older sister or close relative takes responsibility for raising and protecting her child, as she would.


Dear father and mother, give your child the inalienable direct of having his dear parents with him.


2) The sacred task of educating children is unique and exclusively of parents. Parents should never give up their children to be educated by grandparents, uncles, teachers, and even nannies.


* This truth we learn from the oropothena and the giant molotrope, raw birds of the blackbird family. The oroopendhedulous builds its magnificent nest that looks like a hanging basket, which swings like a pendulum. Built 90 cm from the branch, it is part of some colonies. The molotrope does not build nest, but lays its eggs in the nest of the oroopendula and lets it raise its chicks. To make the egg more attractive to the oroopendhe, the molotrope lady lays an egg that is almost the same size and shape as her hostess.

However, having to raise these "foster" children becomes a good one for the oroopendhedulous, as it uses them for its benefit. There are a type of flies that attack and devour the oroopenddulous cubs as soon as they are born. But when there is a molotrope egg in its nest, as soon as it hatches it devours the eggs and caterpillars of the fly, thus saving the future oronecsame chicks.


Many inexperienced or even very busy parents give their children to others to be educated by them. What a tragedy for the parents and for such a son. We are all born in the image and likeness of our parents, that is, we have inherited in our character many virtues and defects from our parents. Therefore, only they are truly able to stimulate the growth of our virtues and the correction of our defects, because by observing our behavior they see their character mirrored in us. No grandfather, teacher or nanny can ever do it. And they may even, with great goodwill and love, pass on experiences and even values that do not apply to the reality of such a child. Parents, do not miss the golden opportunity to educate the children god has given you. Your time will soon pass, and such moments will never come back.


3) Make your home a place of protection and shelter for your children in the face of the strong temptations and threats of the world.


* Most members of the cuckoo family build their nests like any normal bird, with the exception of the common cuckoo and the indicator cuckoo. The common cuckoo deposits an egg in another bird's nest, usually smaller, leaving its cub in the care of the adoptive parents. When the little cuckoo comes out of the egg, it expels all the other birds out of the nest. Either the mother's adore doesn't realize the difference or her maternal instinct overwhelms her desire to keep her own species. The fact is that she continues to feed the intruder as if it were her own.

The same is the case with the indicator cuckoo. The female lays her eggs in the nests of the woodpeckers, her close relatives. At birth, the indicator cuckoo has sharp hooks on its beak, which it uses to kill the other children of the nest gaining all the attention of adoptive parents.


Our home needs to be built in such a way that it gives children the conditions to overcome the bad influences of friends, colleagues, and even undue relatives. High standards of character, principles of life from an early age should be developed in the home, while there is never the constant semi-independent vigilance of children wherever they are in school, with friends, on walks and other activities. The world is full of homes in which parents have not watched contributing to friends leading their children to total ruin.


4) In order to be successful in education, there must be dialogue, a lot of dialogue between parents and children.


* Animals, as we know very well, communicate with each other by 3 different means: barking, ganidos and growls.

- A ganido is a sound made by an animal that wants to show that it is smaller than it really is. - A growl is a sound made by the animal that wants to control the situation, or show who is the greatest in a group. It is usually a serious, menacing sound that seeks to discourage the challenger.

- And the latir is simply a sound in an attempt at a dialogue, or exchange of information between some animals.

Interestingis that even tiny fleas communicate. They, like countless very small animals, communicate, either by sound or odor. According to recent studies, they use high-frequency sounds, so high that we can't hear. There is a group of tiny hairs in a certain area located in the abdomen of the flea. This set of hair sits like an antenna, and by capturing high frequency sounds, such hairvibraes very quickly, which leads the flea to change its behavior.


If even the little fleas and so many other little animated people communicate, imagine the communication that is necessary in our home. There must be not only informal conversation, but advice, openness of all members to hear what one has to say to the other, exchange of experiences, songs, readings and so on. The more parents dialogue with their children, explaining to them the natural development of life and its physical, psychological and social growth, the happier and quieter their existence will be. Who of us has no fond memories of remembering Friday night services with the whole family reunited, or the Christmas and New Year parties where we sat with our relatives, the parents told us very impressive stories, and we rejoiced in opening the gifts. The amazing thing is that many parents pride themselves on being closed; think that this is the ideal way to maintain respect and balance of your privacy towards your children. There are many parents who live with their faces closed, face always sulking, sulking. Such behavior will be destructive, leading your child to complete separation and total contempt for parents when they reach adolescence. Remember: if you are always willing to talk to people on the street, on the bus, or with your boss so nervous and grumpy, reserve this willingness to talk to your child. You won't regret it.


5) Your children are born with enormous potential to develop. But for them to achieve success in life and be happy it is necessary that YOU know how to drive them according to their abilities.


* I'll ask you something: does a parrot know what you're talking about? Consider Alex before giving your answer. Alex, a grey African parrot, was the student of scientists researching animal communication. Alex learned more than just repeating words for nothing. Scientists discovered that he could learn to recognize objects and colors and mention them. One of the coaches mentioned the names of several items and delivered them to his colleague as Alex watched. When he casually repeated the name of any of those mentioned objects, he received this object to play with. Later, he was able to mention the names of all the items presented to him, in any order. Alex also knew what the color of each item was. Alex also learned to say no. If they offered him an object he didn't want, instead of saying the name - which he could say - Alex would answer "No." He also said no when a stranger was trying to hold him. He also learned to say other things like "I want to go back." He was a smart parrot, much smarter than anyone thought a parrot could be, and now no one knows for sure how much birds can learn or how much they can understand.


The greatest wealth that parents can possess in their life is not their national or imported car, their beautiful home in a wealthy neighborhood, or such their huge amount of money saved in savings. Your children are the biggest and most promising well they possess. They have the ability in themselves to change the world, revolutionize generations, or destroy their own existence. What could Joquebede have thought when he looked at little Moses? For the benefit of the whole world she saw in him someone who had been chosen by God for a tremendous work, and for this reason not only kept his life, but in the l2 years he had to educate him, stimulated his natural abilities, as well as corrected his defects of character, thus preparing him to assume the highest responsibilities of the world of then. She, a humble slave, knew how to direct her son's natural capacity. And what a success this education has achieved! Moses was a judge, writer, musician, legislator, prophet, leader of God's people, and above all, a faithful servant to The Jehovah God.

Dear father: try to be attentive to the inherent abilities of your child and direct him on the proper path 'to his reality. Study his character, behavior, listen to what his teachers say of him, accept criticism and praise; by adding all this, by acting in accordance with your talents, you will lead your children to full development as well as to the pleasure of the achievements of your life.


6) Cultivate from an early age the ability to memorize in your children. Encourage them in this sense by decorating small bible verses, or their favorite stories of biblical characters, children's and spiritual songs.


- If from an early age such content is put into his mind, in his youth such a child will find moral and spiritual strength to overcome his challenges as well as the temptations of Satan. Jesus Christ overcame the temptations of the enemy with the words of Scripture, not by decorating them in those 40 days of fasting in the wilderness, but had learned them as a child at the feet of his laborious mother.

* Although it is not a bird or a fish, the bat teaches us a precious lesson in memory: it can only survive because it develops such a capacity very well from an early age. Bats completely depend on their ability to move in the dark, as they live in very dark caves and hunt their food at night. They should be able to avoid trees, wires, buildings and other obstacles while looking for food. They are not able to see how we do but use sonar-signals that are emitted and reflected to know what is in their way. Since they can't spend all their time worrying not to run into obstacles, they develop a fantastic memory.

- Some bats were released into a dark room containing a mess of wires through which they had to fly to get food. It took some time for the bats to learn where the wires were, but after they learned the location of each, it seemed that they flew without hesitation avoiding every obstacle. To prove if they had learned where the wires were or if they were still using sonar to find their way, all the wires were removed and replaced by bundles of photoelectric cells, such as these that are used on doors that open automatically when you cut the beam of light. The admirable discovery they made was that even in a wireless room, bats still avoided the places where there were wires previously. They had memorized the location of each obstacle so well that they could fly in a room full of imaginable wires without cutting a single beam of light from the photoelectric cell.

Our children need to learn from an early age to recognize both the lord's path and the snares of the enemy to instinctively avoid the failure of our lives.


7) We need to learn to listen to our children by means of communication other than speech.


Any problem, difficulty or apprehension in a child's life sooner or later will be revealed to his outside world, but most of the time this will be communicated by his aggressive or passive behavior too much, by constant diseases by the body, by continuous sleepiness, low grades in school without motivation to improve them and many other possible symptoms. These may be demonstrating the child's frustration with his life: separation or constant struggle of parents, fear of facing the normal growth of life, the financial difficulties of the home, problems of relationship with colleagues, fear of death and so many other problems. Every parent should be attentive to their child's life and know how to listen to him, even if he does not seek him to open his heart and tell his dilemmas. Listen to him through his behavior, attitudes, and way of looking at life.

* Some plants tell us when they are very hungry. An Australian botanist discovered this not long ago, listening to the castor bean. What does the castor say? Simply "Click." But that alone is enough.

He used a special microphone capable of hearing two strands of human hair collide, and which produce a sound as if two toras were shocked. In the plants he observed the following: in each plant there are small tubes that are cells called xylems that conduct water from the roots to the leaves. When there is enough water in the soil, these tubes fill up, and the plant literally pulls water up, from the roots to the leaves. During prolonged droughts, when there is no more water in the soil around the roots, the pipes empty. However, the plant continues to try to draw water from the roots although there is not any. The plant exerts so much effort in these conditions that the pipes break under this pressure. When they break they produce a snap that is captured by the microphone of such a scientist as a "Click".


It's a rather unusual way to hear something asking for water, but that's how plants do it. The same is the same for your children. Learn to listen to them as often as they are, and it will be much easier to help them with their difficulties.


8) Children must acquire a taste for work and to carry it out from a very young age.


- Housework should be taught as long as the child is already able to collect their toys, as well as make their bed and room. And especially in adolescence they should be taken to work from the age of 12, even if it is in simple functions, and part-time daytime. So did the Israelites under the full approval and command of God that even His Son, Jesus commanded such discipline. It is sad to see how in the modern world, especially in Western civilization, parents are raising their children to be parasites in society: children do not learn housework- it is common today young women and boys to marry without any knowledge about cooking, ironing, washing and even caring for their future children (when they are no longer commissioned!). Teenagers, with the absence of their parents at home because they are working, stay at home watching inappropriate movies, in the company of dubious colleagues, or even on the streets looking for what to do, and they could be developing their skills in a job that could be highly promising for them.

* I turn here to the example of an insect, the ant. Amazing, but there are some lazy ants in the world, one of them being teleuto ants. This type can be the ultimate example of a social parasite in the insect world. They live in the Swiss Alps, and have degenerated to the point that not only do they not work, but hardly move. For some reason still unknown, the teleuto are cared for and supported by a large host ant. They spend most of their time riding on the backs of their hosts, and even develop concave abdomens to facilitate the ascent to the backs of the hostesses. Initially when scientists discovered this lazy ant, they formulated the theory that originally the teleuto would have been strong and sadias slavers; however, over time, because they were always being cared for by their slaves, they lost their strength, their size, and, finally, even their importance in the colony. Thus it was that scientists concluded that this strange ant had reached the end of its development as a species, and gave it the scientific name of Teleutomyrmex, meaning "final ant".


If children do not learn to work from an early age the same end will have in their lives: they will be eternaldependent on their parents, dominated by more capable friends, and will lose their natural abilities to such an extent that they no longer have anything to produce or offer the world. Get your son to love work.


9) Allow your child to go through difficulties and trials. Let the natural storms of life require of it a solution. Give your child the opportunity to grow and develop.


* A millionaire from Australia has assembled a collection of 20,000 different species of butterflies, coming to be the largest and most complete collection in the world. Being against the undue killing of any terrestrial creature, he collected them on film, and so he tells him that he loves to spend his afternoon off contemplating these wonders of nature.

- There are many parents who think that children should be stuffed animals, or bibelôs: beings that must be placed on the shelf only to be observed, esteemed and appreciated, both now and when they become old. Never! God has made each one with incredible abilities, but that will only develop by direct contact with the reality of life, whether sweet or bitter. For such development it is necessary that there is no overprotection of parents.

* A similar example we see with the extinction of the Dodo bird, native to Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, this bird is the symbol of imbeciality since the last specimen died, because it was not able to feel danger or even try to survive. The Dodo was large and clumsy, but until the European settlers arrived on the island, they had nothing to fear; The Dodo had no reason to develop a sense of danger. Over the years he became so meek that he was an easy prey for the settlers. Soon there was no more.


There are many parents who are always around to protect or solve any problem with their children. They fight for them against their colleagues, defend them against teachers, justify their mistakes in the face of established laws, creating highly insecure and unprepared beings for life. It is not necessary to be absent, nor unprotective. If you love your son allow him to live.


10) Don't forget that your children were given to YOU, but for a short time. In fact, they live in your house, but they're just passing through. One day, when you least expect it, they will be leaving your home to form their own home. But have they been prepared for this?


* It is known to all of us the special treatment that the eagle gives to his cub. You take good care of him in his first weeks of life. However, realizing that he is already very chubby and with strong muscles to make his first flight, she pushes him out of the nest, which is many meters high, there in the highest mountains on Earth, and does not allow him to return home. Over the next few weeks, she teaches him to hunt and live in his environment, and then abandons him to his fate. Cruel? Never. He needs to live by himself to really be an eagle.


Stimulate and allow your child to gradually become independent of you. He will only reach the full development of his faculties as well as the realization of his life if you allow him to be an adult responsible for himself. And this starts early.


11) The last and certainly most important point of education comes now: even if your children have character traits full of defects, they can be transformed.


* Homemade sparrows have uncommendable qualities: they are petty, not very attractive, the only sound they produce is an out-of-tune chirp, and it is still the birds that have the greatest hostility among birds. They build relaxed nests almost everywhere they can, a handful of grass. They expel other gentler birds from their nests; they kill not only the chicks and even the parents of other species, but occasionally also attack and kill those of their own genus. They are a pest in bird feeders, where they eat too much, scattering debris everywhere, while filling the air with their noisy chatter. However, on several occasions, sparrow eggs were placed in nests of the peaceful and wonderful canary. When the little sparrows come out of the egg, they believe they are canarinhos - so they learn to sing like canaries and often even become more affable as the canaries. They even alter their inherited natural behavior.


Your kids can change. This is a reality that should fill your heart with joy. But for this one thing is needed: to ask God for help and help in every moment of the education of your children. Birds resort to such an attitude when attacked. Aggressive birds, which usually play the role of patrolmen in a colony, are the ones that scream when they perceive danger. Birds like the jay and cardinal almost always scream when they are caught by a person. By doing so they are trying to bring other birds to attack and expel their captors, and even trying to warn other birds of the danger that surrounds the region.

Many parents do not ask God for help in the education of their children, as this requires a confession: that they do not have enough capacity to educate their children alone. Parents: recognize your human limitation and seek divine guidance every day in the education of your children. He can help you solve the greatest miracle in your children's lives: conversion. And in that case only He.




- I want to leave you a promise that comes from the sea. Let's imagine a beautiful beach, on a sunny day, with its foamy waves crashing into the sand. Each small wave of about one meter, rolling on a 2-kilometer beach, releases about 35,000 HP (horsepower), that is, a huge avalanche of water hitting and punishing this natural protection of the continents. The amazing thing is to imagine that the sea, with all this force, is overcome and controlled by tiny grains of sand. But how is this possible? Simple: the grains of sand are infinitely small and no strength possess to fight against the powerful waves, but dominate them because when the wave arrives, it throws the water on the sand; the water causes the grains to stick in such a way that even the tsunamis stop before such a union.


APPEAL: Your family may be having problems right now. Satan promises to fight against homes in a special way, for he knows that this is the basis of society. However, if we keep our homes ever together, not even the waves of hell or the fiery darts of the enemy will be able to undo our dear family. God bless you for this.



Adventures of Creation. Dr. Haroldo G, Coffin. Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Tatuí-SP, Brazil. 1993 edition.

Youth Inspiration. Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Tatuí-SP, Brazil. Editions from 1977 to 2005.


Pr. Marcelo Augusto De Carvalho - April 1997 São Paulo SP Brazil